Hello blogville,
Greetings from Down Under. Kim has been doing most of the postings, but I have been busy snapping the photos and updating them to the blog. Anyway, we have had an interesting few weeks lately involving car troubles and religon. I know your thinking to yourself how in the world can these two things be related?! Well let me explain. It all started when I mistakenly rear ended an old lady as she abruptly stopped on a green light for a pedistrian whizzing by on a bike. I was not even going that fast but in the process I managed to spill coffee all over me and dent the front fender pretty darn good. Well, no one was hurt thank God, and as I exchanged insurance with the other driver I came to find out that the sweet old lady I ran into was a Nun. Her name was Sister Dorine Hayes from Ashford, South Australia and she was a card carrying member of the Catholic Church Insurance Group. God bless her. I did find this slightly amusing considering the circumsantaces, but, I think her holy presence helped relieve my anger for getting into an accident...
Well our car insurance in Australia took care of most of the damage and we were only out a few hundred dollars for our deductible, but we had to wait nearly three weeks for them to repair our car. Kim was able to get to work via the train and I rode my bike to get around. Finally, ater a long wait and inconvience, we were able to pick up our car. We were planning to set off on a road trip to the Barossa Valley with our friend Paul, who is also an exchange teacher from Colorado. Ironically after picking up the car and driving a mere 10km, we instantly realized something was drastically wrong with the car. For starters the air conditioning was not working and there was a funny burning smell, similar to burnt pancakes. A few minutes later we lost all of our radiator fluid, and antifreeze, which caused the car to overheat and chug to a grinding stop. So, we are now in the process of trying to sort this out with insurance company and secure a rental car in the meantime... Somehow their assurance of "no worries mate will take care of it", does not instill a whole lot of confidence in me at the moment. I sincerly hope I am wrong on this one and they do take care of it and make it right so Kim and I will have "no worries" regarding our car. Maybe this is the carma from hitting the nun in the first place coming back around. Well hopefully Kim and I can get this car fiasco straightened out! Well, in the meantime drive safely out there and have a great easter holiday!