Kim and I took a day trip out to Fitzroy Island off the coast from Carins. The island is about 5km wide and sits 40km off the coast of Cairns past Cape Grafton. The boat ride out to the island was on a small jet boat called the "Thunderbolt". This boat went extremly fast and the water was choppy making for a fun, bumpy ride. We traveled the 35km out to the island in just under thirty minutes. We got to the island and relaxed on the beach and snorkeled for the afternoon basking in the sunshine. The island has coral littered beaches everywhere, and has some nice hiking trails. On the far side of the island there is a great beach called "Nudey Beach".
Kim relaxing on the beach.
Kayakers towing a few boats just off the coast of the beach.
Washed up coral covers the beach all around the island.